Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Not much happening in cancer-land (or maybe lots)

Bit of a stir at the Cancer Lodge this morning. The local Lions major fund raiser for the Lodge is the launch of the Balloons over Waikato festival. They organised a bus, ring-side seating by the Lake, and hot chocolates for patients and their friends; a demonstration to the public of the real services they provide to support people from around the region through their treatment. Rather than going on parade I opted for a spot on the sofa at the Lodge with a good view of the Lake and was ready to blog the event live, except this is about all that happened.

It was a fizzer. A passing front brought a wind sheer factor that it made it too dangerous for any of the balloons to get off the ground. One balloon in the form of a giant birthday cake was inflated but just wobbled and tottered before collapsing back to ground.

The other event of the day was also a bit of a fizzer, but in the best way. One bit of plumbing was removed - I had the PICC line in my arm taken out. This signals the end of the chemotherapy so it is really a milestone to celebrate. I was spared another round of the 5-day chemo drug and only had one infusion that took about 30 minutes, and now it is all done. I am so pleased about it. And I'll be able to enjoy a proper shower again, not having to fuss about keeping that arm as dry as possible. My mouth is a bit of a mess, but the only thing I can do is to keep up hourly mouthwashes, alternating products throughout the day. I need to keep a checklist of what I have had and when. In between I have taken up cloud-watching. So much for all the things I was going to knit/read/watch/listen to. Walks to the shops and the lake have become shuffles around the perimeters of the Lodge. And why are there not fold-down seats in lifts?

For an outrageously tender and raw read, I recommend Australian prize-winning author Carrie Tiffany's Mateship with Birds.

Very raunchy birds, kookaburras, but which is the driver, sex or family? And what a beautiful cover.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the chemo is over, JC. Definitely a milestone to celebrate.
