Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Cooper Ave

I will post some pictures of my new house at Hannahs Bay soon, but in the meantime here are a couple of shots from just in front of the house.

My patio and the lounge room have lake views. There is one house between me and the lake and it is currently empty, so I can walk through to the lakefront reserve. On Sunday I got a surprise to look up just as the float plane cruised by. Cool eh?

Then tonight there was the most stunning sunset. The lake was very still and the reflections were spectacular.

Change of Heart

Some things change with age. I remember when I first moved back to NZ thinking how quaint were the beds of dalhias in the streets of Rotorua. I distinctly remember telling Uncle Dennis that if I were caught growing them it would be a signal that I should be put out to pasture.

Margaret and I went to the Dalhia Show in Hamilton a couple of weekends ago and I found I was quite besotted. And guess what grows along my front fence at the new house? Lah di dah, they are quite lovely thank you.
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